Wirkungsanalyse von Onboarding-Prozessen am Beispiel von Fronius International GmbH

  • Miriam Josipovic

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


In the last years due to several factors the TechSupport department of the company Fronius International was looking for ways how to increase the effectiveness of their onboarding process. As a result the product and tool e-learnings were created, which replaced the physical product trainings. In the scope of this thesis a basic evaluation should be provided, which enables the determination how TechSupport employees learn the most effectively and which method(s) should be applied for that purpose, while the focus is laid on the comparison of onboarding via e-learning and onboarding via physical training. In order to answer the research question a broad literature research was conducted. To generate insight into the onboarding situation of the TechSupport department an expert interview with the leader of the internally formed e-learning team was executed fallowed by a survey of all current and former employees of the TechSupport. The most relevant realisations from the theory are that onboarding includes various areas and that there are factors which increase the possibility that the onboarding succeeds. According to this work, the most important factors are the integration into the company, care, support and cooperation, structure and planning of the onboarding process, a suitable onboarding arrangement, the successful familiarisation with the actual activities (effectiveness), the social integration and the personal preferences. Based on the empirical evaluation, the mix of e-learning and physilcal training is the best and most popular method for learning the activites, which are relevant for the TechSupport. E-learning was ranked as the second best option whereas physical training was rated as the worst method. The work includes recommendations for action for the TechSupport department, like for example the establishment of a standardised survey for the onboarding phase and should contribute to optimize the processs and to increase the impact of the used resources (effectiveness).
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorKlaus Hubatka (Supervisor)

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