The loss of species and the destruction of ecosystems are a global threat to human life and prosperity. The progressing, human-induced climate change contributes a significant part. Every single inhabitant of the earth is responsible for this through his or her own actions. But at the same time everyone has the option to counteract the loss of biodiversity, the destruction of ecosystems and climate change individually by changing the own way of living. This thesis deals with the movement Nature inside Garden (in German: Natur im Garten), which pursues the goal of restoring and protecting biodiversity in individual garden ecosystems. Its aims are to identify possibilities of presenting ecological effects, effects of Nature inside Garden measures as well as social core effects. At first a literature research on the topics of impact analysis, ecology, sustainability as well as a document analysis of Nature inside Garden documents were conducted. This formed the basis for the questionnaire of the qualitative interviews done with specialists of Nature inside Garden. Based on this knowledge the impact analysis was created using social and ecological science tools. Theoretical and empirical results show that ecological impacts can be shown in a holistic, simple and understandable manner by using multidisciplinary tools. The relevance of the issue for each individual human being can be clearly expressed by the tools problem tree and stakeholder analysis. Ecological impact chains and a conflict matrix were used to express the complexity of natural systems, interactions and eco-systemic cycles. The developed impact analysis is a combination of tools of social and natural sciences. Furthermore, the layout of the Ishikawa-diagram was adapted to structure effects of the environmental elements soil, water, fauna, flora, air, temperature, climate and humans. Afterwards core impacts were identified in context with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. This master thesis makes the challenges of loss of biodiversity, ecosystem degradation and climate change accessible to the broad gardening community and wide population. It is finalised by recommendations for actions to deepen these topics and further solve unanswered questions.
Wirkungsanalyse nachhaltig ökologisierter Privatgärten für die Bewegung Natur im Garten
Kusché, L. (Author). Apr 2023
Student thesis: Master's Thesis