The present master’s thesis addresses the prerequisites for the successful implementation of hybrid leadership. Hybrid work models and hybrid teams are increasingly becoming the standard in companies, and their acceptance among employees is steadily growing. This development presents new challenges for companies and leaders. New prerequisites need to be established, and new leadership strategies and methods must be adopted to overcome the challenges of the current working environment. These changing conditions call for new approaches and require hybrid leaders to develop new skills and qualities. Studies predict that in the near future, up to 80% of large international companies will rely on hybrid teams, which will predominantly use digital channels for internal team communication. In light of these developments, the main research question addressed in this thesis is: What prerequisites must be in place for hybrid leadership to be optimally implemented? To answer this research question and obtain meaningful results, a comprehensive literature review was chosen as the methodological approach. The collected sources were examined for their thematic relevance to the research question, and the most important passages were filtered out and assigned to the corresponding chapters of the thesis. This systematic and methodical approach ensures that the work is based on a solid and scientifically validated foundation. The thesis is structured into several sections. The first section addresses the definition and theoretical classification of hybrid leadership in the scientific context. To present the perspectives of all parties involved in a hybrid work environment, the viewpoints of both employees and employers are then analyzed. The final section presents the findings that outline the key prerequisites for hybrid leadership and concludes with the final summary and outlook. One of the primary results of the thesis is the recognition that supportive structures and continuous training for leaders are crucial for the success of hybrid leadership. Reliable digital technologies form the foundation for effective collaboration. Moreover, leaders must be able to integrate a trusting and transparent work culture that provides their team members with the necessary flexibility and autonomy. It is also important for hybrid leaders to be flexible in responding to the unique needs of their employees as well as to ensure open communication. In conclusion, hybrid leadership plays a significant role in the modern working world and places specific demands on leaders. Companies that successfully implement this leadership form can benefit from increased employee satisfaction, stronger employee engagement, and higher productivity.
Voraussetzungen für hybride Führung
Maier, F. (Author). 2024
Student thesis: Master's Thesis