Vom Massenmailing zur personalisierten Automatisierung: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von personalisiertem E-Mail-Marketing auf die Kaufabsicht und Privatsphäre-Bedenken von Empfänger:innen

  • Eva Großberger

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Due to its ubiquity, email marketing is often an integral part of a company’s marketing strategy, which not only brings potential but also challenges. However, email marketing is often questioned due to its low open rate. The sending of irrelevant content and the large number of emails in customers’ inboxes can be reasons for this. Personalised emails can be sent automatically in order to create relevance for consumers and thus stand out in their email inboxes. This allows the right content to be delivered at the right time. However, such personalisation can also be perceived as a threat by recipients, which reduces the effectiveness of these marketing activities. This master thesis examines the influence of selected personalised, automated emails on the purchase intention and privacy concerns of recipients. This master thesis is divided into seven chapters. It begins with an introduction to the topic, followed by an explanation of the basics of email marketing and marketing automation. This is followed by an explanation of what purchase intention and privacy concerns are. This is followed by a literature review to identify automation opportunities and then a quantitative online survey using scenarios is carried out. Finally, the results of the survey are analysed using SPSS as well as a conclusion and limitations are provided. In the online survey, a total of 131 people were asked about the impact of five scenarios on their purchase intentions and privacy concerns. The results show that emails that reminds recipients to reorder a product have the strongest positive impact on the purchase intention. This is followed by emails with birthday wishes including a voucher. Emails with product recommendations have a very weak positive impact on the purchase intention, and shopping cart abandonment emails as well as reengagement emails have a very weak negative impact on the purchase intention. When evaluating the impact of the five scenarios on recipients’ privacy concerns, a significant result was found for three scenarios. Shopping cart abandonment emails trigger the highest privacy concerns among recipients. This is followed by reengagement emails and reorder emails. Furthermore, the results show that the variable ‘privacy concerns’ has a weak, negative impact on the variable ‘purchase intention’. This means that recipients with privacy concerns are less likely to purchase than recipients without privacy concerns.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorJan Gregor Schiefermair (Supervisor)

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