Verbesserung der Materialbedarfsplanung in der Business Unit Solar Energy der Fronius International GmbH: Eine Analyse und Handlungsempfehlung

  • Dženeta Mehić

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This master's thesis deals with the improvement of material requirements planning in the Solar Energy business unit at Fronius International GmbH. Due to the dynamic development in the solar industry, the company is facing an enormous challenge. Despite considerable investments in personnel and production capacities, the company has not been able to avoid excessive inventories and bring forecasts in line with actual market developments. The main challenges lie in unpredictable fluctuations in demand and inadequate forecasting techniques and technologies. This master's thesis examines how material requirements planning can be optimized through increased transparency and improved communication. This thesis is divided into several central chapters. At the beginning, the theoretical basics of supply chain management and demand planning are presented. This is followed by a detailed case study of Fronius International GmbH. The company, its business model and the specific challenges of the Solar Energy business unit are examined. At the center of this work is the analysis of the current planning processes, with a particular focus on rolling demand planning and the forecasting methods used. Methodologically, the work is based on qualitative interviews with managers and an extensive document analysis, which together enable an in-depth understanding of internal processes. These methods are used to develop practical recommendations for action. The results of this work show that the current planning processes at Fronius International GmbH have significant weaknesses. A key finding is that increased transparency of processes and improved internal communication are crucial. The targeted use of modern technologies, including artificial intelligence, and the introduction of a collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment concept could significantly increase the accuracy of forecasts and the efficiency of material requirements planning. This paper therefore recommends a systematic increase in transparency and communication in the planning processes.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorKlaus Arthofer (Supervisor)

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