Influencer marketing is playing an increasingly central role in the current marketing world. The challenge that companies and brands face when selecting suitable influencers in order to create an effective cooperation is becoming ever greater. This bachelor thesis deals with the influence that influencer brand fit has on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Furthermore, the in-depth understanding of this relationship is examined, as this is essential to positively influence the consumer's purchasing decision. The bachelor thesis is divided into three main sections: Theoretical foundations, empirical investigation and the analysis of the results. In the first part, the concepts of influencers, social media marketing and brand fit are examined and explained on a literary basis. The following part presents the empirical study in more detail. Data on the influence of influencer brand fit was collected and analyzed from expert interviews. In the final part, the methodological approaches are combined. The results show that a high influencer-brand fit leads to a significantly better perception of the brand among consumers. The experts all emphasize the high relevance of authenticity and the correspondence of the values transported between the brand and the influencer, which is seen as a success factor for the marketing campaign. An optimal fit promotes trust and credibility, which is directly reflected in a higher engagement rate and more positive consumer reactions. Long-term partnerships based on genuine alignment and shared values are more successful than short-term, superficial engagements. These findings offer important implications for practice: companies should not only focus on reach when selecting influencers, but also ensure a deep alignment of brand values and personalities in order to maximize the authenticity and thus the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.
Theoretische und empirische Fundierung des Influencer-Brand-Fit Konzepts
Wagner, A. C. (Author). 2024
Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis