The implementation of a digitally supported microscope and software for the assessment of morphological changes in the peripheral blood count in a routine laboratory - a rerospective study

  • Oliver Longin

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The diagnostic value of the morphological assessment of peripheral blood smears in routine diagnostics is of significant importance, as it forms the basis for further diagnostic evaluations and helps in the early detection of pathological changes. Currently, manual microscopy is predominantly used; however, microscopes equipped with digital software for the assessment of blood cells are also being utilized. Most digital solutions for the morphological assessment of leukocytes rely on single-cell images for analysis, thereby limiting the informative value of these methods. Many pathological changes in the blood count require a comprehensive examination of the cells to detect potential abnormalities early. The X100HT from Scopio Labs enables the creation of a high-resolution image of the clinically relevant area of a smear, allowing laboratory professionals to conduct a thorough assessment.
This study aims to compare manual microscopy with the X100HT in terms of assessing morphological changes in leukocytes in the peripheral blood smear, including precursor cells and blasts. The comparison will be done by the retrospective, statistical analysis of differential blood count data. To assess morphological changes, images of individual cells of various leukocytes will be exemplarily compared. Additionally, the various aspects of device implementation in a routine laboratory are examined.
The comparison between manual microscopy and the X100HT shows a high correlation, with leukocyte populations mostly achieving a correlation value above 0.8. Basophils recorded the lowest correlation value at 0.52. The assessment of morphological changes can be effectively performed using the generated images, and the morphological evaluation of leukocytes can be reliably conducted using the X100HT.
Conclusion and Discussion
A digital solution for the assessment of blood smears, which also provides the capability to morphologically evaluate the entire smear, allows the establishment of a standardized procedure in routine diagnostics. Traceability is also enhanced through digitally supported microscopy. However, a reduction in the time until the finalization of the report could not be performed in this setting.
Date of AwardJun 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ GmbH
SupervisorMagdalena Nimmervoll (Supervisor) & Maria Elisabeth Mustafa-Korninger (Supervisor)

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