Steuerung durch wirkungsorientierte Kennzahlensysteme am Beispiel eines Pflegewohnhauses

  • Benedikt Baumgartner

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This master's thesis focuses on the development of an impact-oriented management system for nursing homes, with a particular emphasis on integrating aspects of residents' quality of life. The objective of the study is to design a model that enables the evaluation of care quality not only through traditional metrics such as output and process quality but also by focusing on the subjective outcomes for the residents. The theoretical part of the thesis first presents the fundamentals of controlling in non-profit organizations, as well as the principles of outcome orientation and quality management in care services. Various impact models and key performance indicator (KPI) systems are analyzed to assess their suitability for application in care facilities. The empirical research is based on a qualitative approach, supplemented by quantitative elements. Extensive secondary data analyses and expert interviews were conducted to evaluate existing KPI systems and assess their suitability for impact-oriented management. Additionally, resident and family surveys were analyzed to incorporate the perspectives of key stakeholders into the model. The results of the study indicate that traditional KPI systems often fall short in adequately capturing the desired outcomes of care for residents. An outcome-oriented management model that integrates outcome orientation, and process quality offers a more comprehensive foundation for the management and improvement of care services. The thesis proposes a model that links outcome goals with specific KPIs, thereby enabling targeted management. Finally, the thesis provides measures and recommendations for the practical implementation of the developed management model. These include the development of an integrated KPI system and the strengthening of resident participation. This work makes a significant contribution to the advancement of quality management in care facilities and demonstrates how a stronger focus on outcome orientation can sustainably improve care quality.
Date of AwardAug 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorThomas Prinz (Supervisor) & Renate Sabine Kränzl-Nagl (Supervisor)

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