Soziale Medien im Frauenfußball: Chancen und Herausforderungen für Fußballvereine der Google Pixel Frauen-Bundesliga
: Ein Blick auf Vereinskanäle und die Möglichkeit zur Einbindung der Kanäle der Spielerinnen

  • Judith Brand

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In recent years, women's football has experienced an upswing in Germany and is inspiring
more and more people. This is also noGceable on social media. So far, however, mediaGzaGon
research on the use of social media by football clubs focuses on men's football. This master's
thesis therefore examines the following key quesGon: To what extent can clubs in the Google
Pixel Frauen-Bundesliga op>mize their behavior on social media in order to achieve communica>on goals? The aim of the thesis is to analyze the social media communicaGon of the clubs,
to shed light on intenGons and goals and to define success criteria. To this end, the online
offerings of the twelve clubs were reviewed using manual web screening and expert interviews
were conducted with those responsible for the social media communicaGon. The results show
that the communicaGon of the women's teams appeals to different target groups than that of
the men's teams. The clubs want to share authenGc content that reflects the players and their
values. Close involvement of the community, cooperaGon with players and partners as well as
a balance between entertaining, informaGve and emoGonally appealing content are essenGal
to increase reach and retain fans.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorPhilip Sinner (Supervisor)

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