RegionConnectors Facilitating Cross-Border Energy Data Integration

  • Fabian Haas

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Energy markets around the world are changing. With the integration of renewable energy
sources and small distributed power plants in the form of prosumers, information about
energy consumption and production has become a commodity. Historically, this data
was only available to grid operators, but this is changing with the digitalization of the
energy sector and legislation around the world. In Europe, Directive (EU) 2019/944 [12]
requires member states to give customers sovereignty over their energy data, including
the right to share it as they choose. This opens up opportunities for novel energy datadriven services.
However, developing services that work in more than one country is difficult due to
the heterogeneous nature of different energy data infrastructures. This thesis examines
the current state of energy data infrastructures in Europe and proposes a flexible, noninvasive concept that standardizes access across different infrastructures. The concept is
called RegionConnectors and it automates the process of obtaining customer permission
and data retrieval, thus simplifying the development of services that work across borders.
To demonstrate the feasibility of the concept, prototypes have been implemented
for Austria, France, Spain, and Denmark, showcasing its potential to streamline the
integration of energy data from diverse energy data infrastructures.
Date of Award2024
Original languageEnglish (American)
SupervisorMarc Kurz (Supervisor) & Stefan Grünberger (Supervisor)

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