Rechtliche Betrachtung des Einsatzes elektronischer Signaturen und Siegel im Bankenbereich im Allgemeinen und ausgewählter einschlägiger Softwarelösungen im Besonderen

  • Harald Steinbichl

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper examines the intersection between the eIDAS regulation, banking due
diligence and the increasing need for digital solutions in the financial industry.
In the age of digitization, the changing landscape of banking requires effective implementation of secure digital signatures and seals.
The eIDAS Regulation, which creates legal certainty for electronic signatures and
transactions throughout the EU, provides a solid legal framework for this. However,
due diligence compliance, especially customer identification and verification, is a challenge that needs to be addressed.
This study looks at how banks and financial institutions in Austria can reconcile the
requirements of the eIDAS Regulation and due diligence, and what role electronic
signatures play in this. It highlights both the challenges and opportunities for banking
in an increasingly digital economy. By combining legal analysis, technical aspects and
practical examples, this study aims to contribute to the discussion on the effective and
secure digitization of banking.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorPeter Burgstaller (Supervisor)

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