A look back at the recent past reveals a multitude of different challenges facing the modern world. This transformation in society, along with historical events, has led to many areas of action in today's globalized and increasingly complex world. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the United Nations General Assembly with 193 member states in 2015, aim to address these challenges with 17 goals for sustainable, social, economic, and environmental development by 2030. Austria's social economy is also affected by the aforementioned changes and challenges (such as environmental and climate crises, technologization, politics, economy, etc.). Consequently, this sector is undertaking numerous projects to manage the tasks of the current era and contribute to achieving the SDGs. This paper develops a draft of a quality management dashboard that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. This quality management dashboard is designed for companies in Austria's social economy and aims to contribute in three dimensions: content, visual representation, and strategy. The goal of this work is to provide answers regarding the practical criteria and the possible contribution of such a quality management dashboard for social economy companies in Austria. To achieve the objective of this work, a preliminary draft sketch was designed based on a literature review. Ten expert interviews were conducted, transcribed, and qualitatively analyzed. The initial draft sketch was then updated based on the results of the data analysis. Finally, recommendations for action were derived from the findings. Considering the results, it can be concluded that a quality management dashboard within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals for companies in Austria's social economy can be relevant on various levels. However, several aspects must be taken into account to ensure that such a tool can be fairly and effectively implemented in practice.
Qualitätsmanagement im Rahmen der Sustainable Development Goals: Ein Dashboard für Unternehmen der Sozialwirtschaft in Österreich
Kappel, K. (Author). May 2024
Student thesis: Master's Thesis