Prozessmanagement und effiziente Ladungen
: Einheitliche Sekundärverpackungen für dasFlächenmodul Europalette am Beispiel HOFER KG

  • Viktoria Ricarda Selthafner

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This work is inspired by a professional activity at HOFER KG. The company suggested writing the paper on the topic of efficient loading. As it turned out during the research, efficient charging was already introduced in 2017. The question therefore arises, why is the project repeating itself after eight years? After a lecture on process management, the idea came to apply the methods to the project. It quickly becomes clear that process management is a management attitude. Implementing an entire process management project seems impossible. For the work, company goals were created with regard to packaging. After discussions, it emerged in which process an activity could be introduced to check whether the packaging dimensions comply with ISO-Standard 3394. A process map and a process identification sheet created was, also the stakeholders were identified. After the information was collected, the process was graphically displayed in ARIS. The theoretical part is about efficient loads and process management. The process management chapter only covers the basics. The topic is covered in countless writings.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorMarkus Gerschberger (Supervisor)

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