Potentiale von Mehrwegverpackungssystemen und deren ökonomische und ökologische Auswirkungen

  • Michael Stadler

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


Environmental protection and sustainability are increasingly important in society, and the Austrian industry is increasingly focused on creating sustainable products. The introduction of reusable packaging systems and the promotion of the circular economy can make a significant contribution. The present bachelor thesis conducts a literature analysis on the topic of reusable packaging, focusing on the ecological and economic impacts of reusable packaging systems, as well as their impact on corporate logistics. The literature analysis also encompasses various aspects of packaging, including requirements regarding protection, handling, ergonomics, and information perspective. Different types of packaging, such as primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging, as well as single-use and reusable packaging systems, are also explored in this work. The investigation extends to waste management, including EU waste management regulations, waste prevention, circular economy, waste recovery, and disposal. The focus of the thesis is on the economic and ecological impacts of packaging, as well as the logistical aspects to consider when introducing reusable packaging. Sustainability factors defined in the literature are analyzed, and an appropriate evaluation method is presented. This analysis is supplemented by case studies to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of different packaging types. Moreover, barriers that could hinder the successful introduction of reusable packaging systems are analyzed and evaluated. Finally, an attempt is made to look into the future and identify and forecast trends in the packaging industry.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorJosef Wolfartsberger (Supervisor)

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