Optimierungspotenziale durch die Anwendung von Lean Office Werkzeugen in administrativen Prozessen

  • Andreas Ditzl

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


Due to the increasing global competition, companies are under pressure to bring products to market in a shorter time and with a broader range. To achieve these goals, companies must shorten the development and manufacturing time spans of their products or services by applying appropriate methods to improve processes. This requires optimizing their processes, particularly by reducing waste. This bachelor's thesis addresses the optimization of administrative processes based on a specific problem within a company. In this situation, it is necessary to examine the existing administrative processes for potential and weaknesses using appropriate Lean Management methods and a structured approach, and then to improve them. To answer the research question, the theoretical foundations are developed through a systematic literature review and suitable methods for reducing lead time are identified. In the theoretical part, literature sources on the topics of Lean Office, Lean Administration, and Process Management are reviewed, and relevant literature is used as the basis for further elaboration. A focus is placed on the types of waste in administration and suitable methods for improving administrative processes. The selected methods such as the SIPOC analysis, Makigami analysis, value creation analysis and interface analysis are then applied in a field experiment within the company to a chosen process, and their impact is measured. Finally, the findings are summarized and the research questions answered. The concrete result of this work is the reduction of identified problems, which through the application of the evaluated methods, revealed a theoretical process improvement in the form of a reduced lead time by 13.7% in the period from April 2023 to May 2023. Furthermore, the applied approach was documented in a concept for sustainable assurance. This allows the researched results and approach to be reviewed by others and applied to their administrative processes to achieve similar effects. The insights gained serve as a basis for further optimization measures within the company and will be used beyond that after appropriate evaluation.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorNicole Scheidleder (Supervisor)

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