In an increasingly globalized and digital world, logistics plays a central role. The last mile, which is the final section of the supply chain from the distribution center to the end customer, is of crucial importance. It not only represents a major challenge in terms of efficiency and costs, but also has a significant ecological impact. Implementing environmentally friendly and innovative solutions in last mile delivery can help to reduce the carbon footprint, improve the quality of life in urban areas and raise awareness of sustainable practices. However, traditional last mile parcel delivery is often associated with high levels of traffic, noise and pollution. In addition, customer expectations for fast and reliable deliveries are constantly increasing. The development and implementation of measures to create a more sustainable last mile therefore requires innovative approaches and close cooperation between logistics companies, municipalities and customers. The first chapter of this thesis deals with the basics of distribution logistics. In addition to the definition of distribution logistics, its tasks, objectives and challenges are discussed. Transportation networks are then introduced and the hub-and-spoke and grid networks are described, before the distinction between parcel logistics and distribution logistics is explained. The following chapter presents delivery options on the last mile, taking into account the three pillars of sustainability. Here, the three pillars of sustainability and the last mile are discussed, and the connection between these two topics is explained. The final chapter is dedicated to the design of a more sustainable last mile at an Austrian parcel delivery company and the creation of an implementation strategy for the company to implement a more sustainable last mile. In the final chapter of this thesis, an implementation strategy for implementing a more sustainable last mile in Upper Austria is drawn up for an Austrian parcel delivery company. This strategy provides a guideline for the company on which steps to take by when to achieve the company's goal of CO2-free delivery throughout Austria by 2040. The implementation strategy is divided into three major sections: the switch to e-mobility, the expansion of renewable electricity solutions and the increase in pick-up and delivery stations. Specifically, the strategy focuses on the company´s logistics location in Allhaming and the surrounding area. In addition to drawing up the strategy, a comparison between e-mobility and combustion vehicles is also carried out, which serves as a decision-making aid for the parcel delivery company when it comes to switching to an e-vehicle fleet. Overall, the implementation strategy provides a well-founded roadmap for the parcel logistics company as to when and what steps need to be taken in Upper Austria to reduce CO2 emissions around the Allhaming distribution center and clearly describes the benefits that the company will enjoy by introducing climate-friendly measures.
Nachhaltigere Zustellmöglichkeiten
auf der letzten Meile bei einem österreichischen Paketlogistikdienstleister
Landerl, P. (Author). 2024
Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis