Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodellinnovation: Eine systematische Literaturanalyse

  • Maximilian Pöschl

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This master's thesis examines how established production companies can innovate their business models into sustainable business models. The importance of sustainability in the business world has significantly increased over the past decades, and companies are increasingly compelled to redesign their business models to meet the demands of regulatory authorities, investors, and consumers. This study analyzes the drivers, challenges, and success factors of sustainable business model innovations. The innovation of existing business models into sustainable ones presents significant challenges for companies. These include adapting to new market demands and regulatory requirements, as well as developing innovative solutions that are both ecologically and economically sustainable. Despite the relevance of this topic, detailed analyses and practiceoriented models that support companies in this innovation are often lacking. To answer the research questions, a systematic literature analysis was conducted. The analysis was based on a comprehensive review and evaluation of relevant scientific articles to capture the current insights and theories on sustainable business model innovation. The literature search was primarily conducted in the Scopus database and involved a combination of specific search terms to identify relevant studies. The thesis is divided into several main chapters, including: • Introduction: Outlines the problem statement, objectives, and structure of the thesis. • Theoretical Foundations: Discusses the basic concepts of sustainability and business model innovation. • Methodological Approach: Describes the process of systematic literature analysis. • Results: Presents the findings of the literature analysis, including the main drivers, challenges, and success factors. • Conclusion and Outlook: Summarizes the main findings, discusses the limitations of the study, and provides recommendations for future research. The analysis revealed that regulatory requirements, market pressure from consumers and investors, and technological innovations are the main drivers for the innovation to sustainable business models. The key challenges include high costs, organizational adjustments, and the integration of new technologies. Successful companies are characterized by a clear strategic orientation, the involvement of all stakeholders, and a willingness to continuously innovate. The study identified several key elements and strategies for sustainable business models, including the circular economy and the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies. These strategies help companies use resources efficiently, minimize waste, and digitize production processes.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorNadine Bachmann (Supervisor) & Herbert Jodlbauer (Supervisor)

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