Level-Up für Total Productive Maintenance: Potenziale von Gamification im Wissensmanagement der autonomen Instandhaltung

  • Johanna Sophia Arnold

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Gamification is already applied in various areas to improve the user experience. It is often used in the field of education. However, Gamification is also used in the business environment to train and motivate employees. In this thesis, the potential of gamification in the field of autonomous maintenance should be identified and discussed. The focus is on the following research questions: • What role does knowledge management play in autonomous maintenance and which opportunities result from this? • What additional potential and challenges are there when gamification is used? For this purpose, the terms autonomous maintenance, knowledge management and gamification are first introduced. With this basic understanding, the existing literature on the application of knowledge management in autonomous maintenance is examined. To answer the second research question, the literature on gamification in the field of knowledge management and autonomous maintenance is discussed. It already becomes clear that there is a natural connection between the three areas. However, this is often not mentioned in the sources. In order to provide answers to the research questions with regard to practice, experts with different perspectives on the topic are interviewed in the empirical part. These interviews are then evaluated using qualitative content analysis. In order to provide a final answer to the research questions, experts with different perspectives on the topic are interviewed subsequently. These interviews are then evaluated using qualitative content analysis. This makes it possible to uncover the connection between autonomous maintenance, knowledge management and gamification in practice, even though the concepts were not explicitly mentioned here either.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorJosef Wolfartsberger (Supervisor)

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