Lebenslagen junger Frauen im Fokus
: Handlungsempfehlungen für das Dienstleistungsangebot des Vereins Frauennetzwerk 3

  • Simone Schartlmüller

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Young women are confronted with many interests, wishes, needs and challenges. In particular, the comparison with others via social media, the lack of orientation due to numerous offers in professional life, as well as the desire to move out of the parental home pose challenges, as rent and living costs are rising. Frauennetzwerk 3 is a good place to talk about such problems in counselling sessions or to take part in events on various topics. It is a women's advice centre with locations in Schärding, Eferding, Ried and Grieskirchen. However, young women do not seem to turn to these counselling centres, as 16 to 25-year-old women hardly ever take part in the events or do not make use of the counselling services. This study therefore deals with the question of what concerns this age group, which belongs to Generation Z, and what challenges and difficulties but also wishes and expectations they have. In addition, the question arises as to how the services offered by the association Frauennetzwerk 3 could be changed so that young women use their services and how access to the target group can be found. To find answers to these questions, theoretical approaches such as Karl Mannheim's generation effect, the concept of the social construction of gender and Henri Tajfel's theory of social identity are used. In addition, youth studies from Austria and Germany are analysed. As an empirical approach to answering the research question, interviews were conducted with those responsible at the funding agencies for women's and youth counselling centres, as well as a focus group with young women. The theoretical findings and the empirical results were compared and discussed. This made it possible to answer the question about the needs and challenges of young women by showing, among other things, that young women are less interested in gender equality issues because they still feel they are treated equally and believe they have the same opportunities as young men. At the time when the young women have children of their own that the perceived unequal treatment increases. In addition, young women experience a great lack of orientation due to the numerous career choices on offer. Work-life balance is a keyword that is particularly important to young women. They want to be able to reconcile their professional and private lives. Rising rents and inflation in general pose a major challenge for young women, as it is not affordable for many of them to live alone, although they would like to do so. Recommendations for action could be derived for Frauennetzwerk 3 on the basis of the theoretical and empirical approaches mentioned. It is important to define who the target group should be and which of the services offered are for which age group. Young women in particular can be made aware of the events and offers from the Frauennetzwerk 3 through lowthreshold leisure activities that are of interest to them. A pottery course, a clothes swap party or a brunch could be such informal offers to get to know the Frauennetzwerk 3 and find an approach. Once the first step has been taken and the young women know the association, it is more likely that they will also make use of the counselling services. The focus group discussion clearly showed that when young women think of women's counselling, they associate it with problems and difficulties. New ways of marketing and especially social media advertising for the younger target group could change the image in the eyes of the people who make use of the service. Further recommendations for action and a final summery conclude this paper.
Date of AwardMay 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorRenate Sabine Kränzl-Nagl (Supervisor)

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