Konzept zur Eingliederung von Einwegpfand im österreichischen Lebensmittelgroßhandel

  • Agnes Ehebruster

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


In Austria, approximately 1.6 billion plastic beverage bottles are put into circulation annually, with only a collection rate of 70% being achieved. The planned introduction of the singleuse deposit system in 2025 aims to improve these rates and establish a sustainable solution for the disposal of single-use packaging. The bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of existing international deposit systems and examines the applicability of these practices to the planned single-use deposit system in Austria. The focus lies on differentiating between deposit systems, with the single-use deposit system being the focal point. Various project management methods are necessary for successful implementation. The results show that many proven practices from international deposit systems can be adopted to successfully introduce the single-use deposit system in Austria. Within the project management chapter, various types and phases of projects have been defined to ensure structured implementation. Additionally, the significance of qualitative project management for handling large corporate initiatives has been emphasized. Identifying potential risks and adapting internal processes are crucial for a smooth integration of the single-use deposit system. A possible project organization is illustrated by means of an organizational chart, and the individual phases of the project have been outlined. Furthermore, the concept for integrating the single-use deposit system into an Austrian food wholesale trade encompasses strategic key activities, a risk assessment, and a potential milestone plan. A recommendation for further action completes the concept. The results serve as a guide for companies wishing to introduce a single-use deposit system. These findings not only serve theoretical analysis but also serve as a practical guide for companies wishing to implement a single-use deposit system. By considering the identified best practices and the importance of effective project management, potential challenges can be identified and successfully overcome early on. Thus, the work provides a valuable foundation for the planning and implementation of a single-use deposit system in Austria, contributing to the development of sustainable waste management practices.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorIlija Coric (Supervisor)

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