Kirchliches Personalwesen im Wandel
: Die Candidate Experience in der Diözese Linz

  • Eva-Maria Bergmayr-Jakob

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This master's thesis examines the candidate experience in the Catholic Church in Upper Austria, especially in the diocesan services. The aim of a candidate experience is to offer potential applicants the best possible experience in contact with a company so that they get a positive impression of the company. This allows companies to stand out from the competition and gain a good reputation through the positive experiences of applicants. In times of an employee market, it has become necessary to optimize the recruiting processes in the company and to create a positive image of the employer. This affects the Catholic Church just as much as many other companies with a shortage of skilled workers. The focus of this thesis is on interviewing employees who have been employed in the Diocese of Linz for five years or less. The focus of the study is on employees' experiences with their employer before, during and after the application process. This perspective is expanded with the viewpoint of those who applied but were not hired. The aim of this work is to use literature research, interviews and focus groups to survey the candidate experience of Diocesan Services from the perspective of selected groups.
Date of AwardAug 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorBrigitta Nöbauer (Supervisor)

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