Integration digitaler Touchpoints - Strategien zur Optimierung der Customer Journey im stationären Modehandel

  • Katrin Scheibl

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This scientific paper deals with the influence of digital touchpoints in stationary fashion retail on the customer journey. The aim is to determine which digital touchpoints are particularly effective in improving the customer experience of a company's target group. Due to increasing competition in fashion retail, both online and offline, and developments in technology, shopping has changed significantly. As a result, the customer experience offered must also change with this adaptation in order to continue to meet the needs of customers and retain their loyalty to the brand. With the help of comprehensive literature research, and a detailed examination of the topics of customer experience, customer journey and customer touchpoints, a basis was created for the subsequent expert interviews. This empirical method was chosen in order to gain more comprehensive insights into the topic. Subsequently, a qualitative, written survey was conducted by five experts with industry-relevant and professional experience in this field. The aim of the survey was to generate practical insights into the implementation and use of digital touchpoints in stationary fashion retail. Questions were also asked about known risks and opportunities in this area. This type of survey was conducted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between innovation and customer experience. The survey responses were analyzed and interpreted, and this interpretation provided insight into the importance of digital touchpoints for the customer journey. The analysis of the surveys highlighted specific examples that can be utilized to optimize the customer journey and increase customer loyalty. Furthermore, the potential and advantages of digital touchpoints were identified in order to facilitate customer touchpoint management and create awareness of their use. Challenges were also part of the research work. Potential challenges were identified, which must be investigated and described before use in the company in order to prevent risks. The results emphasize the necessity of using digital customer touchpoints in stationary fashion retail. The example of the ‘Nike Live Store’ also confirms this evaluation of the results. The adaptation to the rapidly changing needs of consumers is also described by the research.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorPhilipp Gamper (Supervisor)

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