Improving Information Security: Factors that Hinder Cooperation Between IT and Production In Large Manufacturing Companies

  • Jonas Sebastian Honka

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Information security is an interdisciplinary topic, so cooperation in this area is essential. This is becoming increasingly important in the context of Production, particularly
due to increasing digitalisation. In this thesis, 5 factors were examined that can make
collaboration between IT and Production more difficult. These factors include conflicting objectives and KPIs, communication barriers, different levels of Uncertainty
Avoidance and conflicting and overlapping responsibilities.
To verify these factors, seven qualitative guideline based expert interviews were conducted with production and IT managers from large manufacturing companies in
Germany and Austria. These were then evaluated using a Thematic Analysis according
to Braun & Clarke.
It was found that there are conflicts of objectives between the two areas, various
communication barriers exist, responsibilities are unclear and sometimes contradict
each other. It was also found that there is a rather low level of Uncertainty Avoidance
in IT and a rather high level in Production. Conflicts between the KPIs could not be
proven by the interviews, as many different KPIs are used in Production, but virtually
none in IT.
The topic of this thesis seems to have received little attention in existing research
so far. However, from perspective of information security, it's crucial to pay attention
to more than just the hard facts. Since people are the backbone of any business, they
must also receive attention.
Date of Award2024
Original languageEnglish (American)
SupervisorMartina Gaisch (Supervisor)

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