Implementierung eines Vertragsgestaltungsprozesses integriert in den Beschaffungsprozess eines KMU-Unternehmens

  • Andreas Haidenthaler

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


Motivation and problem Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are faced with the challenge that they often do not have their own legal department. As a result, contract drafting and contract management in the procurement process is often handled by non-legal staff. At the same time, the procurement department is confronted with increasingly complex procurement requirements due to decreasing vertical integration. This thesis examines how the procurement department can select the optimal contract in these situations and how the entire contract management process can be designed efficiently and with legal certainty. Content structure and methodology Contracts must be both practicable and legally secure. This bachelor thesis examines the structure of a contract management system that effectively selects and manages suitable contract forms, specifically geared towards the requirements of SMEs. In addition, methods and strategies are developed on how a systematic contract management process can be implemented in SMEs in order to optimize both legal security and efficiency. Concrete results The core of this work is the analysis of different contract types and their specific relevance in procurement management. Based on this analysis, a contract management toolbox was developed that supports the application and management of suitable contract forms in the respective situations. The contract management toolbox enables the derivation and selection of correct contract forms by analyzing the characteristics of the procurement service in detail.It also provides a central platform for the efficient management of these contracts. The work also makes it clear that effective contract management must cover the entire contract life cycle and explains how such a process can be successfully implemented. By establishing clear structures and defined responsibilities in contract management, SMEs can deploy their resources more efficiently and react more agilely to market changes. This not only increases their competitiveness, but also strengthens their negotiating position with suppliers.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorKurt Zaiser (Supervisor)

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