This Master’s thesis investigates the collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in creative processes. The aim of this work is to identify key factors that leadto the perception of collaboration and are relevant for working with AI in creative tasks.
The aim is to gain insights not only through theoretical derivation, but also through
practical application.
The thesis identifies these factors by examining the existing body of knowledge on
human-AI interaction, creative collaboration and interaction design. In addition, a practical user study is conducted to empirically investigate how users perceive and experience
collaborating with AI in different creative tasks and interaction techniques. The knowledge gained from the literature is used to identify suitable tools for different creative
tasks. For these tools, appropriate tasks are created, which are completed by professionals under observation. Data is collected via a questionnaire and observation, and is
discussed in the context of the findings from the literature.
The thesis shows that while AI can contribute to creative outcomes, its effectiveness
and acceptance is highly dependent on the specific task, familiarity with the specific
tool, perceptions of role distribution, and the design of the AI system itself. This highlights the importance of future research and provides insights into where further research
could focus and what areas need special attention when designing AI tools for creative
Date of Award | 2024 |
Original language | English (American) |
Supervisor | Mirjam Augstein (Supervisor) |