Hilfe oder Hürde?
: Faktoren, die zu einer effektiven und umsatzsteigernden B2C-Kommunikation mittels Chatbots führen

  • Angelika Christine Hiebl

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


The bachelor thesis deals with the integration and acceptance of chatbots in corporate communication, especially in the context of customer service. The motivation for the thesis originates from the rapid pace of digitalization and the associated changes in the way companies interact with customers. Facing the need of constant availability and rising customer expectations, companies are required to adapt their communication strategies. This academic work sheds light on how chatbots as virtual personal assistants can contribute to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction in this scenario, but are also confronted with challenges such as skepticism towards new technology and a lack of customer acceptance. The content structure and methodology of the thesis includes an extensive literature review of the current state of research. Various theoretical models and empirical studies dealing with the acceptance and effectiveness of chatbots in service context are examined. The work is divided into several chapters, starting with a discussion of chatbots, their developments and possible applications. This is followed by the analysis of acceptance from company as well as customer perspective and a discussion of the design factors that can contribute to customer acceptance. The work identifies important design elements that can lead to increasing acceptance, such as personalizing chatbot interactions for improving the authenticity and usefulness of chatbot communication. However, investments in the technology and design of chatbots are also required to ensure high usability and customer satisfaction. In summary, the paper concludes that chatbots are a promising technology in the field of customer communication, but their successful implementation requires careful consideration of customer needs, design adjustments and continuous evaluation. To maximize adoption, companies need to develop a clear and transparent communication strategy that addresses both the benefits and limitations of chatbots.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorWolfgang Jonas Weitzl (Supervisor)

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