Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Process Mining in der Instandhaltung

  • Anna Maria Wenger

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With the rising costs and increasing complexity of maintenance processes, it is essential to optimise these processes. Maintenance faces major challenges such as long lead times and inefficient processes that can lead to high costs and unexpected downtime. Process mining is a promising method for analysing log data to identify inefficiencies and derive targeted improvement actions. Although theoretical foundations and some approaches can be found in the literature, there are few empirical studies that examine the concrete use of process mining in maintenance. The first part deals with the theoretical foundations of process mining. The term is first defined before the different perspectives and types are explained. This is followed by a discussion of its integration into the process management lifecycle. The second part is focused on the concept of maintenance. The evolution of maintenance is described before the different maintenance concepts and their challenges are explained. The third part of the thesis links process mining with maintenance. The application of process mining in this area, the resulting potential and the associated challenges are explained. The practical analysis is based on a case study that examines the reactive failure reporting process in a mechanical engineering company. Finally, the findings from the literature and the case study are brought together to highlight the challenges and potential of process mining in maintenance. There are a number of challenges associated with applying process mining to maintenance. One key aspect is data quality, which is affected by different IT systems and manual process steps. Another is the need for maintenance personnel to have the necessary expertise and understanding of the process. Organisational and individual resistance must also be considered, which can make it difficult to implement improvements. Despite the challenges outlined above, process mining has considerable potential. Analysing the actual process, confirming or disproving assumptions and identifying lead times that can be improved are key potentials of process mining. Conformance checking supports the analysis of process variants so that undesirable process sequences can be identified.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorSonja Straßer (Supervisor)

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