Gründe für die Übernahme von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben

  • Natalie Schimpelsberger

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The general decline in the number of farms in Austria and the European Union as a whole has resulted in a corresponding decline in employment figures in agriculture. It is therefore imperative to ascertain the factors that motivate prospective proprietors of agricultural and forestry enterprises to pursue the continuation of their operations. Given the systemic importance of agriculture for the basic supply of the population, it is imperative to ensure that individuals are encouraged to assume ownership of predominantly family-run businesses in the future. Despite the heightened significance of agriculture within society during the pandemic, the agricultural sector is grappling with the decline in intra-family farm successions and the persistence of farms. This thesis is divided into seven chapters, which serve to identify the motivational factors that drive the takeover and continuation of agricultural and forestry businesses. In order to obtain primary and secondary data, a literature review and analysis, as well as an empirical study in the form of a qualitative survey with the assistance of semi-structured interviews, were conducted. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the motivational factors involved in the takeover and continuation of agricultural and forestry businesses, a series of interviews were conducted with a diverse range of individuals. These included consultancy experts from Upper Austria and Lower Austria, as well as potential takeover candidates and already active farm managers. The objective of this study is to ascertain the personal motivations underlying the decision to continue and manage farms from the perspective of the generation assuming control. The study focuses on takeovers within the family network and considers the regional context of two Austrian federal states with the largest agricultural land area. In order to achieve the stated objective, the development of agriculture, the basic framework conditions for the takeover of agricultural businesses and the takeover process are discussed at the beginning of the work. This is followed by a description of the forms of succession and the influencing factors identified in the literature. This is followed by an explanation of the empirical study. The resulting findings form the basis for deriving personal reasons for succession. The findings of this study indicate that the motivation to assume control of an agricultural and forestry enterprise is significantly influenced by personal factors, such as a passion and interest in agriculture. The potential income of the farm is a significant factor in determining the feasibility of a takeover and the likelihood of its continued operation. These are contingent upon a number of factors, including the size, type of business and orientation of the farm. The location and existing infrastructure have no influence on the willingness to take over a farm. In the vast majority of cases, the transferees aim to run the farm as their main occupation, provided the general conditions allow this. Farm succession is associated with numerous challenges, but the desire for independence and working in the countryside motivates the transferees. It is therefore crucial that there is mutual understanding between the generations in order to ensure sustainable success.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorMartin Auer (Supervisor)

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