Führungsstile in der Ära Z und Alpha - Erwartungshaltungen an die Führungskräfte im Wandel

  • Daniel Hilber

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Due to the impending wave of retirement among the Baby Boomer generation and the emergence of Generations Z and Alpha, the current and future leaders are faced with the question of the ideal leadership style for these new generations in the job market. Additionally, concerning these young generations, there is a question of how they differ from the other generations already in the workforce. Furthermore, regarding differences, there is also the question of the expectations of the new generations towards their respective leaders. To be able to answer these questions thoroughly and conclusively, this master's thesis initially delves into the influences, characteristics, as well as similarities and differences between the various generations. This initial analysis is based on relevant academic literature. Building on these initial findings, subsequent attention is paid to the expectations of Generations Z and Alpha towards leadership. To address these essential points, a selection of studies on this topic is referenced to answer the first pillar of the central question. The second pillar for clarifying the question of the ideal leadership style consists of analyzing these styles through the leadership style spectrum using selected articles and fundamental literature. By examining both the expectations of leaders and possible leadership styles, the final chapter compares one side to the other and evaluates their applicability. Due to the similarities between Generation Z and Alpha, including formative experiences in childhood and adolescence, the handling of new technologies, and attitudes towards work itself, these two generations can be considered as one group throughout the study. The studies conducted on these age cohorts subsequently provided a clear picture of the key expectations of leaders. These expectations include aspects such as appreciation, openness, a positive feedback culture, and the demonstration of personal development opportunities. Through an in-depth analysis of leadership styles along the leadership spectrum, ranging from dictatorial to laissez-faire, the foundation was laid for the central research question. Upon comparing leadership styles with individual expectations, the cooperative leadership style emerged as the most suitable for Generations Z and Alpha. This leadership style is characterized by a high degree of interpersonal communication, clear delineation of individual team member autonomy, and strong personal relationships between the team and the leader, thus best meeting the requirements of the Z and Alpha age groups.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorChristine Ebner (Supervisor)

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