This master's thesis examines the changes brought about by the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) in plant engineering projects, an industry traditionally characterised by rigid and complex processes. Digital transformation, particularly through advanced AI technologies, can revolutionise established processes and significantly increase the operational efficiency of companies. At the centre of the research is the question of how AI can not only complement existing project management methods, but also transform them in order to use and understand the diverse challenges and opportunities of AI. The focus is on practical applications and theoretical implications of AI systems in real project environments. Methodologically, the work is based on a multi-stage qualitative approach that includes interviews with experts and an in-depth analysis of primary and secondary data. This methodology enables a comprehensive investigation of both the theo-retical framework and the practical effects of artificial intelligence in plant engineering projects. The results show that AI can significantly increase efficiency and effectiveness in various project phases. The use of AI optimises data analysis and decision-making processes, which leads to improved quality standards and more sustainable project execution. This makes it easier to overcome complex challenges and promotes the sustainable development of the industry. To summarise, this study makes an important contribution to the discussion on the use of AI in project management. It provides valuable insights for future research and practical applications and encourages further discussion in science and practice.
Evaluierung von Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz bei Projekten im Anlagenbau
Moser, P. J. (Author). 2024
Student thesis: Master's Thesis