Evaluierung der systemischen und berufsbildbezogenen Effizienz hinsichtlich wertschöpfender Tätigkeiten im beruflichen Alltag der Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege im Kontext des Krankenhausbetriebs
: Eine Betrachtung aus Sicht der Lean Management-Philosophie

  • Johanna Frank

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Healthcare and nursing is an essential part of the healthcare system and plays a central role in patient care. Nurses often act as the first point of contact for patients and make a significant contribution to care and safety. At a time when the healthcare sector is required to increase efficiency and quality, the application of lean management principles to optimise care processes is becoming increasingly relevant. This thesis examines the challenges and opportunities of lean management in healthcare and nursing. As part of this master's thesis, a comprehensive literature review and qualitative expert interviews were used to analyse which activities of healthcare and nursing staff go beyond the legal requirements. The value-adding and non-value-adding activities were recorded using guided expert interviews in three different hospitals. Directly value-adding processes are at the heart of medical care and are directly related to the treatment and care of patients. This paper presents specific recommendations for action to respond to the challenges in the Austrian healthcare system and to increase process efficiency and effectiveness. The use of lean management tools is recommended to promote interdisciplinary communication. Furthermore, the establishment of coordination centres is proposed in order to strengthen multi-professional exchange. Employee satisfaction should be increased through appreciation and recognition. The recruitment of additional staff such as service assistants and clinical-administrative services is recommended in order to relieve the burden on qualified healthcare and nursing staff. In addition, digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence are seen as key to increasing efficiency in the healthcare sector. This paper emphasises the importance of careful implementation of the proposed measures. Adaptation to individual contexts and the active involvement of all stakeholders in the healthcare system are essential in order to fully utilise the potential of the proposed changes.
Date of AwardMay 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorJohannes Kriegel (Supervisor) & Brigitta Nöbauer (Supervisor)

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