Erweiterung und Validierung eines Larynx-Schrittmacher-Simulators für elektromyografische Messungen zur Diagnostik

  • Lisa-Marie Moser

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


For surgeons, it is necessary to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills
in training and further education („Einsatz chirurgischer Simulatoren in der Weiterbildung - eine deutschlandweite Analyse“, 2023). Technology supports them in acquiring this knowledge and these skills (Thurner et al., 2023). Young doctors are facing
new challenges due to technical innovations and scientific progress (Tay et al., 2014a).
Simulation-based teaching and learning concepts (Elessawy et al., 2021) are a new option to supplement practical training in the field of education. Ensuring the acquisition
of practical and theoretical skills in surgical training represents a new hurdle: Learning basic skills outside the operating room can be done using simulators such as box
trainers (Elessawy et al., 2021). In addition, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality
(AR)/mixed reality (MR) simulators offer advanced training options, such as haptic
feedback, and can simulate full surgical procedures („Einsatz chirurgischer Simulatoren
in der Weiterbildung - eine deutschlandweite Analyse“, 2023). The parameters recorded
in simulators for training purposes enable success to be monitored and skills acquired
to be transferred to the operating room (Peterson et al., 2021). The Research Group
For Surgical Simulators Linz (short: ReSSL) pursues the task of achieving progress for
medicine, especially in the field of education and training, in the area described above
(„Research Group For Surgical Simulators Linz“, 2023). Specifically, the ReSSL research
group is developing hybrid simulators for surgical purposes („Research Group For Surgical Simulators Linz“, 2023). Such a simulation tool, which represents the diagnostics
for pathological abnormalities, is being developed as part of this master’s thesis and
expanded to include the ability to record electromyographic measurements of the vocal cords. The validation of the extended simulator is carried out by selected experts
and beginners in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine. For the validation study,
a questionnaire was designed with eight questions each on visual and content validity.
The questions are answered using a six-point Likert scale, with the aspects focusing on
realism and potential for educational purposes. Furthermore, qualitative suggestions for
improvement are collected in writing. The data is then analyzed, and the advantages
and disadvantages of the simulators are discussed, as well as ways to optimize them. The
results of the validation study indicate great potential and interest in surgical simulators
for training purposes. The extended laryngeal pacemaker simulator achieved very good
results, particularly in the practical practice of various interventions and realism. The
twelve participants were also able to make suggestions for improvements for training
purposes and realism, which the ReSSL research group will implement in the further
development of the prototype.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorGerald Lirk (Supervisor)

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