Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Supply-Chain-Strategie für die Produktion, Distribution und Speicherung von grünem Wasserstoff in Österreich

  • Benjamin Selimović

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The “Development of a sustainable supply chain strategy for the production, distribution and storage of green hydrogen in Austria” provides information about the current status of the supply chain for green hydrogen in Austria and evaluates possible interaction between different stakeholders to implement a sustainable supply chain for green hydrogen in Austria - this results in many new business models, which will be summarized and evaluated at the end of this master's thesis. This master's thesis specifically addresses the supply of green hydrogen to existing industrial customers of an Austrian gas supply company, but the practices developed can be transferred to consumers in the public sector, too. Due to the energy crisis, the entire world, but especially countries within the EU, are under pressure to act due to the goals and objectives that have been set by the government. Appropriate methods for reducing CO2 emissions must be found and implemented to protect the environment. As discussed in the Paris Climate Agreement, global warming must be limited to 1.5°C to 2.0°C - this can only happen by using hydrogen. Many industrial sectors, but also the public transport sector and public energy networks, use fossil raw materials, all of which can be replaced with green hydrogen or at least can be added to the fossil raw materials in adequate quantities. The “Development of a sustainable supply chain strategy for the production, distribution and storage of green hydrogen in Austria” evaluates theoretical principles and compares them with methods and applications commonly used in practice. The practices of an Austrian gas supply company are also evaluated, which are compared and contrasted with theoretical principles
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorRoland Braune (Supervisor)

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