Emotionale Ausdruckskraft in hybriden Animes: Die Darstellung emotionaler Ausdrücke bei der Charakteranimation durch kodifizierte Zeichen und affektive Reizmuster und ihre Wirkung auf die emotionale Resonanz der Zuschauer*Innen

  • Anna Sturm

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The master’s thesis is fundamentally concerned with how emotions are depicted through
animation and character performance in hybrid anime. Specifically, it investigates how
codified symbols, in combination with affective stimuli, influence the potential to evoke
emotional resonance in viewers. The research takes into account both visual design aspects and the specific animation styles and typical elements used in anime. The findings
of the master’s thesis contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex mechanisms
through which anime can elicit strong emotional responses.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorJürgen Hagler (Supervisor) & Alexander Wilhelm (Supervisor)

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