Einfluss des Informationsflusses bei kundenspezifischen Produktanpassungen auf Kosten und Liefertreue in der Kleinserienfertigung

  • Peter Lettner

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This bachelor thesis examines the impact of information flow on costs and delivery reliability in product customization for small series production. Given the increasing necessity for companies to customize their products to meet individual customer requirements, production complexity, associated costs, and the risk of delivery delays are on the rise. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how seamless information flows can address these challenges and their effects on production processes. The thesis analyses various approaches to product customization and examines the role of information systems such as ERP and MES systems. The results show that efficient information flow is crucial for managing the complexity and associated costs of customized product adaptations. An important aspect is the positioning of the customer decoupling point, which determines when a product is tied to a specific customer order. The implementation of ERP and MES systems enables improved information transmission, leading to reduced production costs and increased delivery reliability. The case study of NKE Austria GmbH illustrates that significant improvements in production can be achieved through the analysis and optimization of information processes. This results in a reduction of errors, shortened production times, and increased efficiency. It is highlighted that a continuous and efficient information flow not only reduces production costs but also improves adherence to delivery schedules. This enhances the competitiveness of companies and increases customer satisfaction. In the future, companies should focus more on integrating modern information systems and flexible production strategies to meet the increasing demands of the market. Effective information management is thus a key success factor in customized product adaptation. These insights underscore the necessity of continually investing in the optimization of information flows to remain competitive in the long term and to meet the demands of individualized production.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorKlaus Altendorfer (Supervisor)

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