Effektive Nutzung von Markenbot-schafterInnen: Eine Analyse der Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren am Beispiel KTM

  • Katrin Pitrich

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This bachelor thesis deals with the challenges and success factors in the collaboration between brands and brand representatives. The motivation behind the work is that companies are increasingly relying on ambassadors in their brand communication. Especially in sports companies, athletes are often used as faces for representation. The main problem behind this lies in identifying the right and suitable brand representatives, and further, in identifying the associated challenges and success factors in order to build a successful marketing strategy. It is important to differentiate the company from others and strengthen the brand's image and trust. The use of brand ambassadors is intended to achieve this along with promoting products and establishing a deeper emotional connection with customers. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical sections. In the theoretical part, three major chapters provide a foundational understanding. Firstly, the topic is introduced with general basics of brand management, the extent to which different strategies can be utilised and which goals can be achieved. This is followed by an insight of brand management in sports. The next major area focuses on the brand representatives themselves, followed by a definition and distinguishing them from sponsorship and co-branding. Since selecting the right brand ambassadors is an important decision for a brand, criteria are defined to make the selection process easier. Positive and negative examples are provided to present possible approaches to dealing with brand ambassadors based on these experiences. The third and final part of the theory is the centrepiece of the work. Challenges and success factors in collaborating with brand ambassadors are explained in detail. Since authenticity plays a main role in analysing success factors, it is described in detail and made tangible how a brand or brand ambassadors can act authentically. In the empirical section, it was possible to gain relevant results based on interviews with four interviewees from Pierer Mobility AG and compare these results with the previously developed theory. Through qualitative structured content analysis following Mayring's approach, the results were categorized, and a coding guide was created to help clarify the findings. By combining both sections, it was possible to answer the research questions. The results of this thesis show that the use of brand ambassadors as a marketing tool can bring great success for a brand, although there are some challenges that must be considered. Sporting achievements are important, although defeats do not necessarily reflect badly on a brand's image. Authenticity in promoting products and brands, as well as general openness towards fans and customers, are crucial. Another important aspect is brand fit, which provides additional authenticity and credibility. These and other factors, such as humanity and emotionalization, make brand ambassadors indispensable as a marketing tool for brands.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorHarald Rametsteiner (Supervisor)

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