Digitalisierungsmöglichkeiten entlang der Distributionslogistik der Lebensmittelindustrie – Betrachtung der Anforderungen sowie des Nutzens

  • Armin Gossenreiter

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This paper examines transport logistics in the food industry and the opportunities for digitalisation. Firstly, key terms are defined and the various areas of logistics are described. This is followed by the tasks and objectives of transport logistics and supply chain management. A special focus is placed on the transport of food and perishable goods, including the specific challenges. This is followed by a section on digitalisation and its importance, as well as the use of IT systems in logistics. Following the definition of ERP and transport management software, various logistics platforms are also discussed. The functionality, digital communication technologies, interfaces and telematics in fleet management are covered in subsections. A practical use case analyses the operational logistics processes of a food company, including its challenges and IT-supported solutions. The topics of truck dispatch and transport organisation are examined in detail. Based on this use case, special tools are presented that automate ongoing processes and make certain manual tasks superfluous. With the help of such tools, seamless processes can be handled from transport initiation to invoicing. Finally, the requirements for implementing these tools and their benefits and costs are analysed. The paper concludes with a conclusion and an outlook on future developments in transport logistics.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorRoland Braune (Supervisor)

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