Der Bedarf an dem Kommunikationsmedium Telefon im B2C-Onlinehandel

  • Angela Dürer

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In the age of digitalization, B2C online retail faces new challenges, particularly in the area of customer communication. While digital channels such as email and live chats are becoming increasingly important, the role of the telephone as a traditional communication medium is often inadequately studied. This paper aims to determine the need for telephone communication in the purchase decision process, particularly from the perspective of consumers who have made online purchases within the last six months. The paper is structured into several chapters that cover the theoretical framework, methodology, and empirical results. Initially, the fundamentals of B2C online retail and the purchase decision process are presented. Subsequently, the significance of a medium and communication, as well as various communication channels, particularly the telephone, is examined. The empirical study is based on a quantitative online survey, in which 366 participants were asked about their preferences and experiences with different communication channels, focusing on a fictional purchase process. The data analysis employed descriptive statistical methods and aimed to achieve the research objective of description. The results show that the telephone is used less frequently in the early stages of the purchase decision process, such as information search and evaluation of alternatives. Here, consumers prefer digital channels that allow for structured and asynchronous communication. However, in the post-purchase phase, the telephone becomes significantly more important. Many respondents prefer direct, personal contact during this phase, especially when dealing with problems or questions about product usage. It was also found that older target groups use the telephone more frequently, while younger generations tend to rely on digital communication methods. Individuals with low involvement show minimal use of the telephone in the early stages of the purchase decision process, with usage only slightly increasing in the post-purchase phase. In contrast, individuals with high involvement exhibit a more differentiated and overall more frequent use of the telephone, especially in the post-purchase phase. Furthermore, the study reveals that most respondents do not consider the unavailability of telephone support as an obstacle to making a purchase, as they are willing to use alternative communication channels. A systematic categorization found that the availability of telephone service neither generates satisfaction nor dissatisfaction when the service is absent. Nevertheless, the telephone remains an important communication channel, as 52 % of respondents perceive it as a one-dimensional, attractive, or must-have quality. Emails are the preferred contact method when support is needed during an online shop visit, followed by telephone and live chat, highlighting the importance of both asynchronous and synchronous communication options. No differences between genders were found.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
Awarding Institution
  • Johannes Kepler University Linz
SupervisorJohann Höller (Supervisor)

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