Datengetriebene Marketingstrategien im Bankensektor: Personalisierung und Kundenbindung im digitalen Zeitalter

  • Julian Auinger

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


In the digital age, data-driven marketing has assumed a central role in transforming traditional marketing approaches, particularly in the banking sector. By leveraging extensive customer data and advanced analytics technologies, banks have the opportunity to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. This enables more precise targeting and the development of highly personalized financial services, which can significantly enhance customer loyalty and operational efficiency. This thesis is dedicated to a comprehensive investigation of how data-driven marketing strategies contribute to the development of personalized financial services and their farreaching impacts on customer loyalty in the banking sector. Through a systematic literature review, the technological and organizational prerequisites for successful implementation are thoroughly analyzed. Special attention is given to the challenges posed by data protection regulations, the quality of available data, and the integration of new technologies into existing internal banking processes. The findings of the literature review highlight that data-driven marketing strategies not only hold the potential to significantly improve customer loyalty but also to provide a crucial edge in the highly competitive banking sector. These strategies enable banks to develop tailored offerings that meet the specific needs and preferences of their customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and long-term loyalty. However, the successful implementation of such strategies is shown to demand rigorous data security measures and compliance with legal requirements. Organizational adjustments are also necessary to ensure the flexibility and agility of internal structures. Despite these challenges, the thesis demonstrates that banks that effectively implement data-driven approaches can sustainably strengthen their market position and gain competitive advantages. These strategies not only optimize marketing processes but also facilitate the development of innovative financial products and services that add value for customers. Finally, the thesis discusses the limitations of current research and offers recommendations for future studies. These should focus more on the empirical validation of theoretical concepts and the practical implementation of data-driven marketing strategies in the banking sector to further explore and optimize their efficiency and effectiveness.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorHarald Kindermann (Supervisor)

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