Das Verhalten der veganen Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten in Bezug auf vegane Fleisch- und Wurstersatzprodukte in Österreich

  • Elena Maria Roiter

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Nutrition affects everyone. In this context, the topic of veganism is currently coming more and more to the fore. The aim of this master's thesis is to create a broader understanding of the motivating factors from people which adopt a vegan diet in Austria and which product characteristics of vegan meat and sausage substitute products are decisive for consumption in Austria. At the beginning of this paper, the development of veganism is described in the conceptual part. This is followed by a closer look at the different motives behind a vegan diet. This is followed by the nutritional-physiological characteristics, such as the consideration of critical nutrients in a vegan diet. The different basic ingredients of vegan foods are also discussed in more detail. Finally, the market analysis section describes the current vegan products on the market as well as the consumption and purchasing behaviour of people with a vegan diet. In the empirical part, an online survey was conducted to answer the main research questions and the corresponding sub-questions. The online survey sample was a random sample consisting of vegans living in Austria. After completion of the online survey, a comprehensive descriptive and partly explorative data analysis was carried out. The following findings crystallised from the online survey, which answer the sub-questions. In terms of socio-demographic characteristics, it was found that most people in the random sample are between 29 and 43 years old. 67% of the random sample live in the city and 55% have a university or college degree. The most frequently cited motivating factors for adopting a vegan diet in Austria are the ethical or animal-ethical motive. In second place is the ecological motive, followed by the health motive. The product characteristics show that vegan meat and sausage substitutes are mainly consumed for lunch and dinner by vegans living in Austria and most frequently at home when cooking for themselves or their own family. When buying a vegan meat or sausage substitute product, it is primarily the flavour and not the price that is the most decisive criterion. In Austria, soya is predominantly purchased as the basic ingredient. The term ‘vegan schnitzel’ is favoured over the term ‘vegan product according to schnitzel-type’. The favourite vegan meat or sausage substitute product of vegans in Austria is tofu and vegan products are preferably bought in supermarkets, mostly at Spar.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorRomana Forster-Gartlehner (Supervisor)

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