Business Intelligence und Analytics Systeme im Reporting von großen Bauunternehmen in Österreich

  • Oliver Höglinger

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Research Problem: The increasing technologization enables many companies to have faster and more comprehensive access to data. Particularly larger enterprises are challenged to collect a wide range of data and to process, store, and analyze it in the most efficient way possible in order to present the derived information in the corporate reporting system. Therefore, Business Intelligence & Analytics (BIA) systems are increasingly being utilized, promising significant performance enhancements and efficiency gains. However, despite an extensive scientific basis, 70-80% of companies fail to realize the expected benefits. Besides technical aspects, this problem can be attributed to inadequate strategic integration and insufficient user acceptance & adoption. Given that construction companies are particularly lagging behind in digitization aspects, a technically correct and culturally appropriate implementation and design of Business Intelligence & Analytics systems would create tremendous oppportunities for them. Research Objectives and Methodology: On the basis of a systematic literature review and two empirical investigations, the aim of this study is to derive recommendations for the optimized design of BIA systems in the reporting context of large construction companies in Austria. To outline the design of BIA processes, as well as associated challenges, trends, opportunities, and risks in general, a systematic literature review was conducted. This involved a detailed examination of the design of data collection, data transformation, data storage, data provision, data analysis, and the subsequent provision of information. Additionally, existing academic literature was systematically reviewed to identify a suitable model for evaluating the acceptance and adoption of BIA systems. Based on the systematic literature review, a two-stage empirical process was conducted in large construction companies in Austria, using a mixed-method approach. In the first stage, the current state of the BIA process was examined through 9 qualitative expert interviews across 6 companies. In the second stage, the acceptance and adoption of BIA systems among 51 BIA users was evaluated through a quantitative survey, using the Technology Acceptance Model 2. Key Findings: Important prerequisites for implementing a BIA process include suitable technical infrastructure, extensive employee know-how, acceptable data quality, a relatively homogeneous system landscape and the development of a clear BIA vision. The design process itself should commence with an analysis of information needs, guiding the entire BIA process from data collection to information provision. To enhance the acceptance of BIA systems, they should also be designed to be as simple, useful, and relevant as possible. Although usage should be voluntary, it is advisable to establish a certain subjective norm and clearly communicate the benefits of usage to users, in order to achieve a maximum level of acceptance.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorPeter Hofer (Supervisor)

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