The thesis examines the impact of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) on Austrian companies, in particular with regard to their risk management processes. The law, which came into force on 1 January 2023, obliges German companies to identify and minimize human rights and environmental risks along their entire supply chain and to put an end to violations. Although it is primarily aimed at German companies, it also has an indirect impact on Austrian companies that are part of these supply chains. Many Austrian companies are not aware that they are affected and mistakenly believe that the law only applies to German companies. However, given the close economic ties between Germany and Austria, it is essential for Austrian companies to prepare for the requirements of the law at an early stage in order to minimize legal and economic risks and to design the risk management process accordingly. The work is divided into five main chapters. After the introduction, the second chapter describes the path to the German Supply Chain Act, discussing the original concept of sustainability and the historical events that led to the adoption of the law. Chapter three provides a theoretical basis for the German Supply Chain Act and highlights the legal requirements and obligations that affected companies must fulfill. Differences and similarities to other international supply chain laws are identified. Chapter four is dedicated to the classic risk management process, explains its fundamentals and deals specifically with supplier risk management. Finally, the fifth chapter examines how the German Supply Chain Act affects Austrian companies and what changes this means for the risk management process. The chapter concludes with recommendations for action developed on the basis of the findings. The qualitative study shows that the German Supply Chain Act has a significant impact on Austrian companies, especially on their risk management processes. Companies that are part of the affected supply chains must adapt their risk management processes in order to meet the new legal requirements. This concerns in particular the identification, assessment and minimization of risks in the supply chain. The paper emphasizes that Austrian companies must take measures at an early stage to minimize compliance risks and avoid possible legal consequences. In addition, the work provides concrete recommendations for action to adapt risk management in order to meet the requirements of the German Supply Chain Act. These recommendations include the implementation of comprehensive risk analyses and the development of strategies for the continuous monitoring and improvement of supply chain processes.
Auswirkungen des deutschen Lieferkettengesetzes auf das Risikomanagement von Lieferanten in Österreich
Wieser, G. M. (Author). 2024
Student thesis: Master's Thesis