Auswirkung von Isolierglas auf Nachhaltigkeit bei dessen Herstellung, Anwendung und Recycling

  • Matthias Fröschl

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This bachelor thesis is dedicated to investigating the impact of insulating glass elements on sustainability. The following three main aspects are examined in more detail: the production of insulating glass, the use of insulating glass, and the recycling of insulating glass. In view of the growing importance of sustainability in the industry, these aspects are of crucial importance for a sustainable future in the insulating glass sector. Insulating glass is an essential component of modern windows and serves to optimize thermal and sound insulation. Insulating glass is composed of two or more panes of glass separated by spacers. The space between the panes is filled with air or a special gas. The range of variations in insulating glass windows depends on the materials used, the structure, and the intended use. In the subsequent sections of this work, the topic of sustainability will be discussed. The concept of sustainability encompasses a variety of aspects, with the ecological, economic, and social dimensions being of particular relevance. An essential component of sustainable products is the life cycle assessment, which demonstrates the environmental impact of products. The sustainable future is shaped by various organizations and legal frameworks. The effects of consumables, production and use of insulating glass on sustainability are shown and analyzed below. The different materials that make up insulating glass influence sustainability to varying degrees and contribute to varying degrees to environmentally friendly insulating glass. Some materials can be fed back into the system through the circular economy approach, while others cannot. Furthermore, the dismantling of the insulating glass element is an aspect that must be taken into consideration. This paper presents an industrial example of sustainable insulating glazing that takes into account both the production and the installed properties and effects. The use of flexible spacers and krypton optimizes recyclability while maximizing energy savings in the installed state. The optimization of insulating glass is of crucial importance for the glass industry. It leads to cost reductions, an increase in competitiveness and greater customer satisfaction. Taking into account the legal framework and customer demand, it is clear that only companies that dedicate themselves to this topic will be able to survive in the long term.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorFranz Obermair (Supervisor)

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