Auslagerung von Softwareprozessen auf Cloud- und Containerdienste: Herausforderungen und Best Practices unter Berücksichtigung von Sicherheitsaspekten

  • Philipp Grünschneder

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In software development, the area of cloud computing and the containerization of software is becoming increasingly important. Cloud computing enables more flexible use of software and reduces the need for on-site computing power. By utilizing the cloud, entire software applications or individual software tasks can be outsourced to external data centers.
However, this flexibility also comes with drawbacks. It is achieved through a significantly more complex software architecture and a more maintenance-intensive IT infrastructure. Another often overlooked aspect is cyber security. The use of a cloud architecture brings numerous requirements that must be met to ensure secure use for both the user and the operator of the cloud platform.
This master’s thesis aims to demonstrate how modernizations can be implemented through cloud computing, using the example of the Automation Studio from the company B&R. The specific software process used for this purpose is the build process, in which the Automation Studio translates an automation project for its own hardware. This process is particularly suitable because B&R allows the build process of the Automation Studio to be started without the Automation Studio itself having to be run. This has the advantage that the build process can be executed by a web service without major changes to the existing software architecture. This already forms the basis for the use of cloud computing.
As part of the work, three concepts were developed that can be used for this type of modernization. These concepts are not only intended to enable the use of a cloud but also to be integrable locally within an existing IT infrastructure, so that they can be used without cloud access. This significantly reduces the effort required to meet all necessary IT security aspects. The work details the three developed concepts and how they can be implemented, taking into account all required cyber security aspects.
Date of AwardJul 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorRoman Franz Froschauer (Supervisor)

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