: Beleuchtung der Ausbildungswahl

  • Jessica Aigner

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In times of a shortage of doctors in Austria, there are also too few occupational physicians in the field of occupational medicine to be able to provide the legally regulated care in the future. According to experts, it can be assumed that the supply of occupational medicine will decrease under the current framework conditions. For this reason, it is important to address the issue of recruiting Austrian occupational physicians to find out the motivating and inhibiting factors that lead people to decide in favor of or against training and becoming an occupational physician. According to the latest study by the Austrian Academy of Occupational Medicine and Prevention (AAMP) on the "Effectiveness of occupational health training" from 2020, around 1,430 occupational physicians are needed in Austria to provide full occupational health care to all employees and the current shortage is around 530 occupational physicians. By 2028, the demand will total around 880 additional occupational physicians, which corresponds to around 100 occupational physicians per year, assuming that 51 per cent remain active in the provision of care (cf. Hochgatterer/Koth 2020a, p. 4f.).
Date of AwardAug 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorBrigitta Nöbauer (Supervisor)

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