Arbeitgeberattraktivität im Gesundheitssektor
: Nachhaltige Organisationsentwicklung zur Steigerung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität am Beispiel des neurochirurgischen Operationsbereichs des Kepler Universitätsklinikums

  • Karin Wachlmayr

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In a time of skilled labor shortage, the Kepler University Hospital, exemplified by the neurosurgical operating department of the Neuromed Campus, demonstrates a successful positioning as an attractive employer. This master's thesis investigates the motivations of health professionals for working in this area. Furthermore, factors contributing to their satisfaction and motivation in their professional environment are identified. The aim is to derive strategic recommendations based on an Employee Experience Concept for further development of the department and organization. The methodology of this scientific work includes extensive literature review, a specifically designed written survey of health professionals in the neurosurgical operating department and an expert interview to discuss the collected quantitative data. The results show a strong interest in the field of neurosurgery, which is a key recruitment criterion. According to the "House of Work Ability"2, positive influencing factors strengthen the employee retention by fulfilling needs at all levels. Furthermore, a generational Employee Experience Concept illustrates the factors why health professionals are satisfied and motivated in this department, such as job security, appreciative collaboration, meaningfulness of work, flexible work hours, and leadership style. In contrast, factors with potential for development, such as organizational culture or working in specific operating rooms, were identified based on the survey. Organizational development strategies focusing on physical and organizational, content-related and cultural factors of job satisfaction and motivation were derived from the collected data. In the discussion the implications of the results for practice, as well as potential challenges and opportunities for implementing the recommendations are deliberated upon. It is emphasized that a holistic approach to addressing the needs of employees and continuous improvement of working conditions is essential for ensuring long-term high employee retention and satisfaction. Finally, possible avenues for further research and exploration of the investigated areas are discussed.
Date of AwardMay 2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorJohannes Kriegel (Supervisor) & Sebastian Martin (Supervisor)

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