Ansätze zur weiteren Durchlaufzeitreduktion in der industriellen Werkzeugproduktion

  • Oliver Atzmüller

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


Companies are constantly evolving. In a dynamic business environment, companies continuously strive for improvement and quick adaptation to market changes.2 Active process management is essential to ensure this continuous improvement process. Numerous analysis and improvement models support this development process. In industrial tool manufacturing, a fast quote creation process is crucial. The shorter the lead time from receiving the request to sending the quote, the greater the chances of generating an order. The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to identify methods for continuous process improvement to further reduce lead times in industrial tool manufacturing. Specifically, the request process in the special tool development department, which faces major challenges due to understaffing and the introduction of SAP S/4 HANA, will be examined. Defining an optimal order processing method and explaining the continuous improvement process and its tools will serve as the basis for the empirical part of this work. In the empirical part, selected tools will be used to identify obstacles and find approaches to reduce lead times. The findings will be based on the expert knowledge of employees in the special tool development department and the author. By applying analysis and improvement tools, a foundation for future improvement projects will be laid. A combination of brainwriting and brainstorming with department experts identified causes leading to high lead times, which were clustered by the participants in an Ishikawa diagram. The SIPOC diagram revealed areas with improvement potential. Through the identified action fields, waste can be eliminated in subsequent projects, thereby reducing lead time.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorMaximilian Gruber (Supervisor)

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