Analyse des Softwaredesigns von C++-Programmen hinsichtlich der Einhaltung der SOLID-Prinzipien

  • Manuel Ahrer

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


At the beginning of a software project, a lot of effort is invested in developing a solid
architecture that follows the SOLID principles and serves as the foundation for a robust and flexible design. Despite these efforts, practice shows that the design is often
neglected over time under the pressure of deadlines and functional changes. This leads
to a creeping deterioration in software quality, which is reflected in rising maintenance
costs, lower flexibility and a reduced service life of the software.
The aim of the work is to develop a static code analysis tool that systematically checks
the software design of C++ programmes for compliance with the SOLID principles.
These principles are regarded as fundamental guidelines for good software design and
are intended to ensure that the software developed remains maintainable, expandable
and durable.
To realise the tool, an approach was chosen that checks compliance with the SOLID
principles by evaluating metrics. To do this, relevant information about the program to
be analysed must first be extracted from the parse tree - a tree structure that represents
the syntactic structure of the source code. This information is used to calculate specific
metrics that allow conclusions to be drawn about the quality of the software design. The
results of the analysis are then presented in a report that helps developers to identify
and rectify potential design problems at an early stage.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorFranz Leopold Wiesinger (Supervisor)

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