Analyse der Auswirkungen von kundeninduzierten Änderungen nach der Auftragsfreigabe in der Maschinenbaubranche – am Beispiel der ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH

  • Jonathan Amon

Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis


This bachelor thesis examines the effects of customer-induced changes after order release in the mechanical engineering industry. By compiling and analysing relevant literature sources, it is possible to compare theoretical and empirical findings based on the case study of ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH at the St. Valentin plant. The aim of the thesis is to increase transparency about the effects of changes after order release and to demonstrate effective management methods that not only support flexibility and adaptability in production, but also ensure effective cost control. Customer-induced changes after order release in this industry lead to increased complexity and costs in production planning and control. By analysing these changes in detail, based on criteria such as type, severity and point in time in the machining process, companies can precisely evaluate the effects and control them accordingly. Process modularization then enables flexible adjustments to production processes, while change gates systematically serve as checkpoints for efficient review and approval of changes. Change control centres provide a central platform for monitoring all change requests and executions, enabling rapid response and improved coordination. Cost quantification for customer-induced changes after order release can be enabled by activity-based costing, which includes both direct and indirect costs. In addition, a forecasting model supported by statistical methods can be used to accurately predict the budgetary impact of these changes and effectively plan future costs. At ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH, the introduction of a new evaluation model and the optimization of change management has led to increased transparency of change costs and created a solid basis for adjusted pricing. The bachelor thesis illustrates that a precise evaluation and control of customer-induced changes after order release is crucial for efficiency and profitability in the mechanical engineering industry. By implementing effective management methods, companies can not only improve flexibility and adaptability in production, but also ensure effective cost control. The outlook shows that companies that successfully implement these approaches will be better prepared for the growing demand for customized solutions.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorKlaus Altendorfer (Supervisor)

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