Ablenkung durch Infotainment am Steuer: Auswirkungen auf die Fahrleistung und Sicherheit

  • Julian Buchgeher

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In this thesis, the effects of infotainment systems on driving behavior and safety were
examined. Infotainment systems are increasingly being used and have become indispensable for many drivers. For this reason, the aim of the research is to analyze the
distracting effects of such systems on reaction times and accident frequency.
An experimental study design with a control group and an intervention group was
used for this purpose. The 40 participants completed a driving simulation while their
reaction times and accident rates were recorded. The participants in the intervention
group were given ten different secondary tasks on the infotainment system that had to
be completed during the drive.
The data analysis was conducted using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney-U-Test. The
results show that the reaction times of the intervention group were increased by 52%
compared to the control group, confirming the distracting effect of infotainment systems. However, a significant increase in accident frequency could not be demonstrated.
Additionally, there was no statistically significant learning effect with frequent use of
the systems. The perceived distraction did not correlate with the actual reaction times,
indicating subjective differences in self-perception.
The findings regarding the increase in average reaction times underline the need to
make infotainment systems more user-friendly and less distracting. Further studies with
a larger sample size for the intervention group and a technically higher-quality driving
simulator could gather more relevant information on the distraction caused by infotainment systems.
Date of Award2024
Original languageGerman (Austria)
SupervisorGerald Lirk (Supervisor)

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